A Renewable City...

Our Campaigns

Why we need a Renewable City

The transport and use of non-renewable resources within and through Ottawa can easily have various negative implications on Ottawa citizens. Ranging from environmental to human health threats, it is in Ottawa’s overall favour to decrease dependence and trade-in non-renewable resources as much as possible. We continue to promote reduction in energy use as well as transition to clean energy and other energy-efficient resources as alternatives for Ottawa and its citizens. This will not only benefit the environment, but will undeniably yield economic savings on both individual and governmental scales.

Throughout the years, various climate change agreements have been made on the federal, provincial, and municipal levels. Renewable City advocates to ensure Ottawa commits to upholding past agreements and to continue to work towards improving their own climate strategies. Reducing the effects of climate change cannot be done with half-hearted attempts; a firm hand to ensure political climate action occurs is a must.

Renewable City’s work has included calling for action against pipelines transporting crude oil in and around Ottawa. Our concerns lie not only in the environmental damages but to the severe threats to Ottawa’s drinking and groundwater. Should an oil spill occur in or along one of the various rivers flowing into the capital, the health implications would have devastating effects on all citizens. It is essential for these risks be taken into greater consideration.

Download the Innovative Financing Report

At 47% of Ottawa’s community emissions, buildings make up the largest-emitting sector in our city. This has clear implications for municipal climate action. If Ottawa wants to meet its greenhouse gas reduction target of 80% below 2012 levels by 2050, emissions from buildings must be a major target.

In November 2019, Ecology Ottawa published a report supported by The McLean Foundation exploring the ways in which Ottawa’s buildings could be retrofitted to improve their condition and, ultimately, their impact on climate change.

We must invest in making Ottawa’s buildings vastly more efficient and powered by renewable energy. But improvements cost money. Even in cases where energy efficiency investments yield profit over the medium-term, many homeowners and large institutions like governments, hospitals, universities and schools find it hard to prioritize these investments over competing demands. The challenge lies in creating the right set of incentives in order to engage consumers in investments that can dramatically improve Ottawa’s emission performance.

Contact [email protected] for more information.

Download the Report

News & Updates

What's the Zoning By-law, and how will it affect you?

Do you care about your home and the community that you live in? Do you consider yourself an active and engaged citizen? Have you ever wanted to make your community a better, greener, and healthier place to live? If you’ve answered yes to any of the above, then you should pay attention to the City of Ottawa’s first draft of the New Zoning By-law.

Reducing Emissions and Costs Through the New Greener Homes Affordability Program

While most if not all the environmental and climate-based initiatives included in the report will impact Ottawans, the Canada Greener Homes Affordability Program provides a tangible solution for residents seeking to green their homes and reduce energy costs.

Ecology Ottawa delegates to Finance and Corporates Services on Fossil Fuel Promotion

Ecology Ottawa delegated at City Council’s Finance and Corporate Services Committee on March 5 as the Committee reviewed its Corporate Sponsorship and Advertising policy. We called on the Committee to prohibit fossil fuel advertising and sponsorship in City facilities in this policy.

End Fossil Fuel Promotion in City Facilities

A group of fifteen organizations, including Ecology Ottawa, is calling on Mayor Mark Sutcliffe and Ottawa City Council to end fossil fuel promotion in City facilities.

On March 5, the City’s Finance and Corporate Services Committee meets to discuss the City’s Corporate Sponsorship and Advertising policy. Currently, fossil-fuel companies are allowed to advertise in City facilities like arenas, parks, and City publications.

Listen Now: Why our yellow buses must go green!

Pour le français, cliquez ici.

This week we released a report into the many benefits of transitioning our school bus fleet away from diesel to electric. We are so excited to share this with you - read our electric school bus report here.

This week we joined Alan Neal's All in a Day program on CBC Radio to discuss why our school buses must go green. Hear the interview here.

C3 2022 Climate Progress Account - Rapport de C3 sur le progrès en matière du climat en 2022

A member of the Peoples Official Plan, Citizen Climate Counsel (C3), has launched a 2022 Climate Progress Account report assessing the City of Ottawa’s progress on implementing its climate priorities and agenda. C3 tracked all of the City of Ottawa’s 159 milestones outlined in their various climate plans: Climate Change Master Plan, Energy Evolution and other city documents. C3 then reviewed city council and committee meeting minutes, staff reports and more to track the city’s progress on these milestones. This evaluation clearly demonstrated that the city of Ottawa is not on track to achieve its climate targets. 

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