Watch Parties with Ecology Ottawa's Council Watch

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At Ecology Ottawa, we believe it's imperative that Ottawans become acquainted with what happens in Council chambers. Decisions are made and discussions held in these chambers that affect the entire city, and will continue to do so for decades. Monitoring what happens at Council helps Ottawans stay informed and keep councillors and staff accountable—and there are few better ways to do this than to watch Council meetings.

Our Watch Party program seeks to make City Council accessible to Ottawans by curating segments on issues of ecological significance and offering a venue in which to watch and discuss them as a group.

Watch Parties will be held every third Thursday evening and are open to all. Topics will be selected based on their ecological significance and announced in advance via social media (i.e., Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter). Participants will be asked to register in advance.

The format of Watch Parties is simple: we watch segments and discuss them, pausing the video when necessary. A member of Ecology Ottawa’s Council Watch will guide these events, introducing segments, playing them, moderating the discussion, and answering questions, where applicable. Watch Parties will last 1.5 to 2 hours. For the next upcoming Watch Party, please consult our Events page.

For more on Council Watch, please see here.

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