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Species List
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Anise Hyssop, L'agastache fenouil, Agastache foeniculum
Light: part shade to full sun
Moisture: dry to medium
Soil: sandy loam, loam
Mature Height: 3 feet
Mature Spread: 2 feet
Duration: Perennial
Pollinators: native bees, bumble bees, honey bees, butterflies
Black-Eyed Susan, Marguerite jaune, Rudbeckia hirta
Light: part shade to full sun
Moisture: dry to medium
Soil: sandy loam, loam, clay loam
Mature Height: 2 feet
Mature Spread: 2 feet
Duration: Annual , Perennial , Biennial
Pollinators: Nectar-Bees, Nectar-Butterflies, Nectar-insects
Larval Host: Gorgone Checkerspot, Bordered Patch butterfly
Bloodroot, La sanguinaire du Canada, Sanguinaria canadensis
Light: Part Shade , Shade
Moisture: Moist , Wet
Soil: Moist to mesic, well-drained, humus-rich soils.
Mature Height: up to 2 feet
Duration: Perennial
Blue stem goldenrod, Verge d’or bleuâtre, Solidago caesia
Light: part shade to full shade
Moisture: dry to medium
Soil: loam, clay loam
Mature Height: 3 feet
Mature Spread: 1 foot
Duration: perennial
Pollinators: native bees, honey bees
Butterfly milkweed, Asclépiade tubéreuse, Asclepias tuberosa
Light: full sun
Moisture: dry to medium
Soil: sandy loam
Mature Height: 2 feet
Mature Spread: 2 feet
Duration: perennial
Pollinators: native bees, honey bees, bumble bees
Larval Host: Grey Hairstreak, Monarch, & Queens butterflies
Calico aster, l’aster calicot, Symphyotrichum lateriflorum
Light: sun, shade
Moisture: normal to dry
Mature Height: up to 5 feet
Duration: perennial
Pollinators: native bees
Cardinal Flower, Lobélie cardinale, Lobelia cardinalis
Light: sun, part shade, shade
Moisture: moist, wet
Soil: Moist to wet, humus-rich soil. Medium Loam, Clay Loam, Limestone-based, Sandy, Sandy Loam, Clay
Mature Height: 1 to 6 feet
Mature Spread: 1-2 feet
Duration: Perennial
Pollinators: Butterflies, hummingbirds
Cylindrical Blazing star, liatris cylindrique, Liatris cylindracea
Light: part shade to full sun
Moisture: dry to medium
Soil: sandy loam
Mature Height: 1 foot
Mature Spread: 0.5 foot
Duration: Perennial
Pollinators: Butterflies, native bees, bumble bees
Echinacea, échinacée pourpre, Echinacea purpurea
Light: part shade to full sun
Moisture: dry to medium
Soil: loam
Mature Height: 4 feet
Mature Spread: 1 foot
Duration: perennial
Pollinators: native bees, butterflies
Evening Primrose, L'Onagre bisannuelle, Oenothera biennis
Light: shade to full sun
Moisture: dry
Soil: rocky or sandy
Mature Height: 4 feet
Mature Spread: 1 foot
Duration: biennial
Pollinators: moths
False Sunflower, L'heliopsis faux-hélianthe, Heliopsis helianthoides
Light: part shade to full sun
Moisture: dry to medium
Soil: loam, clay loam
Mature Height: 5 feet
Mature Spread: 2 feet
Duration: perennial
Pollinators: long-horned bees (Melissodes spp.), long-horned bees, bumblebees (Bombus spp.), metallic green sweat bees (Agapostemon spp.), leafcutter bees (Megachile spp.), butterflies, flies
Fireweed, l'épilobe à feuilles étroites, Chamerion angustifolium
Light: part shade to full sun
Moisture: dry to medium
Soil: loam, clay loam
Mature Height: 5 feet
Mature Spread: 2 feet
Duration: perennial
Pollinators: Attracts native bees, honey bees, moths and hummingbirds.
Larval Host: White lined sphinx moth
Foxglove Beardtongue, Penstemon de la digitale du renard, Penstemon cobaea
Light: Sun , Part Shade
Moisture: Dry
Soil: Calcareous or sandy loam. Rocky, Sandy, Limestone-based, Sandy Loam, Medium Loam, Clay Loam Clay
Mature height: 1-3 feet
Duration: perennial
Pollinators: a variety of moths, nectar-insects, butterflies, native bees, bumble bees
Larval Host: Dotted Checkerspot butterfly
Great Blue Lobelia, Lobélie bleue, Lobelia siphilitica
Light: sun, part shade, shade
Moisture: moist, wet
Soil: Clay, Loam, Sand
Mature Height: 2 to 5 feet
Mature Spread: 1 foot
Duration: Perennial
Pollinators: native bees, bumble bees, hummingbirds
Grey headed prairie coneflower, Ratibida à feuilles pennées, Ratibida pinnata
Light: part shade to full sun
Moisture: dry to medium
Soil: sandy loam, clay loam
Mature Height: 5 feet
Mature Spread: 2 feet
Duration: Perennial
Pollinators: butterflies, native bees
Hairy Beardtongue, Penstemon hirsute, Penstemon hirsutus
Light: Sun , Part Shade , Shade
Moisture: Dry
Soil: Thin, well-drained soils
Mature Height: 16-32 in.
Duration: perennial
Pollinators: hummingbirds, native bees, bumble bees
Heart-leaved Aster, Aster cordifolié, Symphyotrichum cordifolium
Light: part shade to full sun
Moisture: dry to medium
Soil: clay loam to sandy loam, organic
Mature Height: 3 feet
Mature Spread: 2 feet
Duration: Perennial
Pollinators: native bees, butterflies
Lanceleaf coreopsis, coréopsis lancéolé, Coreopsis lanceolata
Light: full sun
Moisture: dry to medium
Soil: sand loam
Mature Height: 1.5 feet
Mature Spread: 2 feet
Duration: perennial
Pollinators: butterflies
Little Bluestem, Barbon à balais, Schizachyrium scoparium
Light: Sun , Part Shade
Moisture: Dry
Soil: Well-drained soil. Sandy, Sandy Loam, Medium Loam, Clay Loam, Clay, Limestone-based
Duration: perennial
Larval Host: Ottoe Skipper, Indian Skipper, Crossline Skipper, Dusted Skipper, Cobweb butterfly, Dixie skipper
Lobelia inflata, Lobélie gonflée
Light: Full, Partial, Shade
Moisture: Medium-Wet, Medium, Medium-Dry
Mature height: up to 3 feet
Duration: annual
New England aster, Aster de Nouvelle-Angleterre, Symphyotrichum novae-angliae
Light: part shade to full sun
Moisture: medium
Soil: sandy loam, loam
Mature Height: 5 feet
Mature Spread: 2 feet
Duration: perennial
Pollinators: bees & butterflies
Larval Host:Pearl Crescent (Phyciodes tharos)and checkerspot butterflies.
Nodding Onion, L'ail penché sauvage, Allium cernuum
Light: part shade to full sun
Moisture: dry to medium
Soil: loam
Mature Height: 1.5 feet
Mature Spread: 1 foot
Duration: perennial
Pollinators: butterflies, native bees
Northern bush Honeysuckle, Dièreville chèvrefeuille, Diervilla lonicera
Light: Part Shade , Shade
Moisture: Dry
Soil: Dry, rocky, slightly acid soils.
Mature Height: up to 3 feet
Duration: perennial
Pollinators: bumble bees
Obedient plant, La physostégie de Virginie, Physostegia virginiana
Light: Sun , Part Shade , Shade
Moisture: Moist
Soil: Moist, humus-rich soils.
Mature Height: up to 5 feet
Duration: perennial
Pollinators: butterflies
Pearly Everlasting, L'Immortelle d'argent, Anaphalis margaritacea
Light: Sun , Part Shade
Moisture: Dry
Soil: Sandy or gravelly soils.
Mature height: up to 3 feet
Duration: perennial
Pollinators: butterflies
Larval Host: Skippers, American Painted Lady
Purple Flowering Raspberry, La ronce odorante, Rubus odoratus
Light: part shade to full sun
Moisture: medium
Soil: sandy loam, loam
Mature Height: 6 feet
Duration: perennial
Pollinators: Bees, Birds, Butterflies
Sky Blue aster, Aster azureus, Symphyotrichum oolentangiense
Light: Sun , Part Shade , Shade
Moisture: Dry , Moist
Soil: Mesic to dry, average soils
Mature Height: 1-5 ft
Duration: perennial
Pollinators: butterflies
Smooth Aster, Aster de Laevis, Symphyotrichum laeve
Light: part shade to full sun
Moisture: dry to medium
Soil: sandy loam, loam, clay loam
Mature Height: 4 feet
Mature Spread: 1 foot
Duration: perennial
Pollinators: Bees, Butterflies
Sneezeweed, hélénie automnale, Helenium autumnale
Light : Sun
Moisture: Moist
Soil: Moist clay soil
Mature Height: Up to 5 feet
Duration: Perennial
Pollinators: native bees, butterflies
Spotted bee balm, monarde ponctuée, Monarda punctata
Light: Sun
Moisture: Dry
Soil: Dry, sandy soils
Mature Height: up to 3 feet
Duration: Perennial
Pollinators: native bees, bumble bees, honey bees
Spotted Joe Pyeweed, Eupatoire maculée, Eutrochium maculatum
Light: Sun , Part Shade
Moisture: Moist , Wet
Mature Height: up to 6 feet
Duration: Perennial
Pollinators: butterflies
Larval Host: The caterpillars of some moth species feed on various parts.
Stout Goldenrod, Verge d'or squarreuse, Solidago squarrosa
Mature Height: up to 5 feet
Duration: Perennial
Pollinators: Native bees, honey bees
Thimbleweed, Anémone cylindrique, Anemone cylindrica
Light: Sun , Part Shade
Moisture: Dry
Soil: Rocky soils
Mature Height: up to 3 feet
Duration: Perennial
Virginia Mountain Mint, Pycnanthème de Virginie, Pycnanthemum virginianum
Light: Part Shade
Moisture: Moist
Soil: Moist, calcareous soils.
Mature Height: up to 3 feet
Mature Spread: 2 feet
Duration: Perennial
Pollinators: butterflies, native bees, honey bees, bumble bees
White Turtlehead, La fleur de la galane oblique, Chelone glabra
Light: part shade to full sun
Moisture: medium to wet
Soil: rich in organic matter
Mature Height: 3 feet
Mature Spread: 2 feet
Duration: Perennial
Native Pollinators: Bees, butterflies & hummingbirds
Larval Host: Baltimore Checkerspot (Euphydryas phaeton) butterfly.
The female butterflies will lay eggs underneath host plant leaves. After hatching, the caterpillars will consume the host plant
Wild Columbine, Ancolie du Canada, Aquilegia canadensis
Light: Part Shade , Shade
Moisture: Dry , Moist
Soil: Sandy, well-drained soils. Medium Loam, Sandy Loam, Sandy, Limestone-based. Not too rich.
Mature Height: 2 feet
Mature Spread: 1 foot
Duration: Perennial
Pollinators: Birds , Butterflies , Hummingbirds
Wild Geranium, Le géranium maculé, Geranium maculatum
Light Requirement: Part Shade , Shade
Soil Moisture: Moist
Soil Description: Rich, acid
Mature Height: 1 foot
Mature Spread: 1 foot
Duration: Perennial
Pollinators: bumble bees, native bees
Woodland Sunflower, Hélianthe à feuilles étalées, Helianthus divaricatus
Light: Sun , Part Shade , Shade
Moisture: Dry
Soil: Sandy
Mature height: up to 5 feet tall
Duration: perennial
Pollinators: native bees