Q8 - Will you support our target for a 40% tree canopy cover per neighborhood and protection of mature trees through the new Tree Protection By-Law?

Rebecca Bromwich


Shawn Menard

Yes. I do support the 40% tree canopy target, and would like to see more localized neighborhood level tree canopy cover targets, considering the significant losses we are seeing in the urban core. There have been studies comparing the loss of canopy cover over time through distinct areas of the City, and through a refresh of this data we can work strategically to fill in gaps we see downtown through the pressures of development, aging trees, and derecho storm that took out many mature trees this spring. 

I have been an advocate for trees throughout the City, on a local level in terms of protecting the trees along the Grande Alle in Old Ottawa East, and opposing the sighting of the new civic hospital parking garage which would see many trees cut down through the experimental farm. At a larger scale as vice chair of Environment Commtitee, I brought a motion forward forward with Councillor McKenney to expand the diameter for distinctive trees to 30cm not only in inner urban areas, but also within suburban lands.

Dan Rogers


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