Local Group Launches Unprecedented Ad Campaign to Protect Ottawa-Area Clean Energy Jobs

Ecology Ottawa wants Ontario’s political leaders to come clean about their long-term energy strategy

May 16, 2011 (Ottawa) -  Ecology Ottawa launched an unprecedented advertising campaign today to draw attention to the clean energy jobs that are being created in Ottawa and to call on Ontario’s leaders to come clean about their long-term energy plans for the province. Over the next week, roughly 100 radio ads will run on two Ottawa-area radio stations, and the campaign will be extended to other stations and local newspapers in the weeks and months to come. This is the first time that a local environmental organization has launched a radio and print advertising campaign to highlight the value of jobs associated with the growing clean energy sector in Ottawa.

“Ontario’s clean energy policy is putting people to work across the City of Ottawa,” said Graham Saul, Chair of Ecology Ottawa. “The province is on track to phase out dirty coal, meet more of our energy needs with renewable energy, and create tens of thousands of clean energy jobs in the growing solar, wind, small-hydro and biogas industries. We are running the ads because we want to do our part to keep the province moving in the right direction.”

The 30 second radio ads, which will start running today on Lake 88.1 and 1310 News, express concern that Ottawa area jobs will be “taken away because some politicians may not like solar power.” The ads ask: “Do they like dirty coal?”

“Politicians should come clean about their long-term energy strategy and avoid ill-conceived announcements that will kill renewable energy initiatives in the Ottawa-area and put thousands of people across the province out of work,” said Graham Saul. “Ontario needs clean energy jobs, not more dirty coal.”

The ads are being launched by Ecology Ottawa in cooperation with other organizations involved in the website comeclean.ca, and Ecology Ottawa is also holding events across the city to help people save money through energy efficiency and invest in clean energy opportunities. This week’s events include a workshop on May 17 at 7pm at the Ron Kolbus Centre where participants will learn 25 low cost ways to save 25% on their energy budget, and a community meeting on May 17 at 7pm at the First United/All Saints Anglican Church in Westboro, where community members are invited to learn about opportunities to generate solar power. For more information on Ecology Ottawa’s work to promote clean energy in communities across the city, see:  HTTP://WWW.ECOLOGYOTTAWA.CA/COMMUNITY-ENERGY/



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