Ontario Greens and Local Liberal Candidate Join Opposition to Pipeline

Ottawa, Ontario – July 23, 2013 ­— Ecology Ottawa applauds the Ontario Green Party and Ottawa South Liberal Candidate John Fraser for joining the opposition to the TransCanada Energy East pipeline that would send 850,000 barrels of oil a day through Ottawa.

Yesterday, the Green Party announced their opposition via press release and Mr. Fraser announced his intention to oppose the pipeline on Twitter this morning.

“We applaud the leadership of the Greens and Mr. Fraser in committing to stand for the safety of the citizens of Ottawa,” says Ben Powless, Ecology Ottawa Tar Sands Community Organizer. “We call on other parties and candidates to also stand up in opposition to the proposed pipeline.”

Ecology Ottawa is currently mounting a campaign to inform the public about the dangers of the TransCanada Energy East pipeline and to mobilize public opposition to it.

There is currently a provincial by-election taking place in Ottawa South on August 1st. Ecology Ottawa is encouraging the people of Ottawa South to engage the candidates on this issue.

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