Council Watch Monthly Digest- October 2013

Finance and Economic Development Committee (October 1): Ecology Ottawa is happy that this meeting saw funding approved for Canada’s first official downtown EcoDistrict.

Transportation Committee (October 2): The Committee carried a motion to reduce the speed limit on Sherwood Drive to 40km/h and a motion that requests the Provincial Government alter the Highway Traffic Act to include demerit points as a consequence for distracted driving. Both are great initiatives to ensure the safety of all users of Ottawa’s roads.

Planning Committee (October 8): This meeting included the approval of the Community Design Plan and Environmental Management Plan for the phase two area of the East Urban Community in the Innes ward. Also, the Committee considered and approved an update to the Urban Natural Features Strategy.

City Council (October 9): Council approved financing to create Canada’s first official downtown EcoDistrict. Also approved was the Montreal Road District Secondary Plan, the motion to decrease the speed limit on Sherwood drive, and the motion to request that the Highway Traffic Act include demerit points as a consequence for distracted driving.

Joint meeting of the Transit Commission and Transportation Committee (October 9): The draft Transportation Master Plan, Ottawa Pedestrian Plan, and Ottawa Cycling Plan were tabled at this meeting, following a presentation from staff highlighting some of the details in the draft Plans and the affordability lens that was used in assessing the feasibility of proposed projects.

Environment Committee (October 15): The Committee received the results of a Class Environmental Assessment Study for the Foster Stormwater Management Facility, which will now proceed to a 30-day public review period. The meeting was otherwise uneventful.

Environmental Stewardship Advisory Committee (October 16): The Advisory Committee held a special meeting to receive a presentation from staff on the details of the Transportation Master Plan, the Ottawa Cycling Plan, and the Ottawa Pedestrian Plan draft updates. Members of the Committee then composed a motion detailing their recommendations to the Transportation Committee regarding the draft Plans.

City Council (October 23): At this meeting of City Council the draft 2014 Operating and Capital Budgets were tabled for subsequent consideration at individual committees and by full City Council on November 27, 2013. The meeting also saw the approval of four reports to begin the development for the Phase 2 Area of the East Urban Community (EUC), the Urban Natural Feature Acquisition Plan, as well as the motion on the Foster Pond Stormwater Management Facility Environmental Assessment.

Transit Commission (October 23): This was a special meeting of the Commission to table the relevant portions of the draft 2014 Operating and Capital Budgets for consideration at a future meeting.

Ecology Ottawa’s rating of City Councillors for October, 2013

Approval of funding to create Canada’s first official downtown EcoDistrict



Diane Holmes


Councillors on the Finance and Economic Development Committee who carried the motion*


City Council members who carried the motion**


Allan Hubley


*Councillors R. Chiarelli, M. Taylor, B. Monette, P. Clark, K. Egli, D. Deans, D. Thompson, P. Hume, and Mayor Jim Watson. Absent: M. McRae

**Councillors S. Moffatt, R. Chiarelli, E. El-Chantiry, R. Bloess, D. Chernushenko, S. Blais, M. Taylor, S. Desroches, B. Monette, J. Harder, M. Wilkinson, M. Fleury, S. Qadri, P. Clark, K. Egli, D. Deans, K. Hobbs, T. Tierney, D. Holmes, M. Thompson, P. Hume, and Mayor Jim Watson. Absent: M. McRae

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