Trees in the Glebe

[caption id="attachment_2953" align="alignleft" width="168"]IMG_0259 Red Oak[/caption]


The Glebe Report has published a terrific centre fold piece on native trees to plant this spring. Have a look here: Ecology in the Glebe.

"The Environment Committee of the Glebe Community Association and the Glebe Community Network of Ecology Ottawa are happy to provide advice and support. We have put together this insert that contains the results of our research on characteristics, local availability and suitability of a selection of trees. Consult and use as the need arises. Keep in mind that we are seeking to foster diversity, not overplanted, mostly native, climate change adaptive trees in the Glebe. Since the best times to plant trees are in the spring and fall, I suggest that you might want to get started now." Read More

Thanks to Angela Keller-Herzog for this contribution to the Glebe Report!


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