Stittsville Cedar Grove Stewardship Project


[caption id="attachment_125" align="alignleft" width="300"]OCS Because many of our old grove forests have been forested in Eastern Canada it is important for us to protect the ones which still remain[/caption]

The Ottawa Stewardship Council (OCS), in partnership with the City of Ottawa, is working to care for a city-owned cedar grove in Stittsville that is well over 100 years old. The OCS will be conducting a variety of programs and activities surrounding the forest during 2014-2015 including partnering with a high school for environmental monitoring, replanting open areas and constructing informal trails. On Sunday June 15th between 9 am and 3pm, they will also be hosting a bio-inventory to catalog flora and fauna and are currently looking for volunteer experts to help. If you have expertise in identifying plants, insects, birds or animals, or soil/geology sampling and would like to volunteer, contact the OCS at [email protected].

The OCS is also looking for a community organization to take control of ongoing stewardship upon the project's completion.

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