Active Transportation Audit Workshop

Screen Shot 2014-06-11 at 4.33.19 PMEcology Ottawa is planning an active transportation audit workshop detailing all the ins and outs of the entire process!

The event will be held on August 7th from 7-9 pm, located in the Councillors’ Lounge at City Hall. This workshop will guide you through the process of planning and conducting an audit within your neighbourhood, mapping out a route, and writing an audit.

We will have two experienced speakers come give presentations at the workshop—Liz Bernstein (Lowertown Community Association), who was key in writing the Lowertown active transportation audit, and Michel-Adrien (Centretown Citizens Community Association) who helped plan the Centretown audit. Both of them will share their vast knowledge regarding the process of writing a detailed audit.

There will be a Q&A session following presentations. If you would like to submit questions to ask the speakers during the workshop beforehand, please email one of the coordinators for this event, Claire O'Donnell, at: [email protected].

Conducting an audit is a fun and easy way to engage your neighbours in complete streets issues, as well as to get to know your neighbourhood better. So go out and engage your community in an audit!

You can RSVP to the event via the link below:

Previous audits we've done:

List of anticipated street renewals:
Benefits of complete streets:

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