2014-2018 City Governance Review

The 2014-2018 City Governance Review will be voted on by City Council this Wednesday, December 3rd. Among the proposed changes, the number of meetings of the Environment Committee will be reduced from 12 to 8.

The Environment Committee is responsible for providing guidance and direction on issues relating to environmental services, community sustainability, storm-water management, solid waste management, utilities/water and wastewater, water pollution control, urban forestry, and open spaces.

The public needs more opportunities to give their input to help shape our environmental policies, not fewer. Contact your city councillor by telephone or email before this Wednesday and let them know that fewer opportunities for public input is bad for the environment, and bad for democracy.

The full text of the “2014-2018 Council Governance Review” report can be viewed here.

You can find your councillor's contact information here.

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