Be there October 7, 2015! - COMPLETE STREETS

a-complete-streetThe Complete Streets Implementation Framework comes before the Transportation Committee on October 7, 2015.  Ottawa needs streets that provide safe and comfortable access for people of all ages, abilities and modes of travel – including pedestrians, cyclists, transit users and motorists. The adoption of this Framework will get us there faster.

Please come to the meeting at Ottawa City Hall October 7th at 9:30 am to tell the Transportation Committee that we need Complete Streets that let us walk and cycle more in Ottawa now.

To be most effective and powerful, we need your voice at the meeting to speak for 4 minutes to reinforce to the committee that there is great demand for better walking and cycling infrastructure. Let them know which streets need to be a priority. And also ask to accelerate the implementation of the projects cited in the Pedestrian and the Cycling Plans for the City of Ottawa.

Sign up to make a presentation by contacting:

Rosemary Theriault 613-580-2424 x21624 Email: [email protected]

And please be so kind as to let us know once you have signed up as well.

Your voice is needed.

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