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Ottawa’s trees need your help!

It is so important to give young trees everything they need to ensure they grow up to be healthy and strong! All trees are vulnerable to threats including climate change, weather events, insects, and disease. A 2011 paper by Roman and Scatena found that the average street tree life expectancy is only 19-28 years.You can help change that!

Small tree with gator bag

By adopting a tree, you’re committing to help take care of that tree for a period of 3-5 years. This means:

- Watering your tree once a week in the summertime, and maybe more often if it is very dry

- Protecting your tree from damage by animals, cars, lawn mowers, and vandalism

- Weeding and mulching your tree as often as required

- Reporting your tree to the City (if applicable) for care if it becomes sick or damaged

Adopting a tree is easy, inexpensive, and will make a huge contribution to the quality of your neighbourhood’s tree canopy.



Adopt a tree using the Great Ecology Ottawa Tree Map

Do you know of a tree that needs adopting that isn’t listed on the map? Have you planted a tree recently that you would like to share? It’s easy to add your tree by following the steps below!

1. Click "Add a tree"

Add a tree step one

2. Use the map and Street View to adjust the position of the tree marker if necessary

Add a tree step one b 3. Enter the tree species and as many other details as you can

Add a tree steps

4. Select ‘Continue editing this tree’ and click ‘Done’

Add a tree step three

5. Scroll down to the Adopted field and change the status to ‘Adopted’

Add a tree step three b

6. Enter as much additional detail about the tree as you can. When finished, it is very important to click the ‘Save’ button at the top

Add a tree step three c

7. Congratulations, you’ve adopted a tree! Make sure to visit the Great Ecology Ottawa Tree Map from time to time to share updates on how your tree is doing

 Are you ready? Click on the Great Ecology Ottawa Tree Map below to get started! addbutton

 You can now add or update your adopted tree using compatible iOS and Android devices. Download the OpenTreeMap app by clicking on the buttons below:

Download on the App Store

Get it on Google Play

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