Green Infrastructure Workshops

The future of cities is green.

Around the world, cities are designing and building green infrastructure - living and built systems designed to slow down, soak up and filter rain water where it lands - into their urban fabric. Green infrastructure is seen as a great way to keep waterways clean, fight flooding and adapt to climate impacts while greening the urban environment. Cities are experimenting with green roofs, rain gardens, bioswales and the widespread adoption of tools like rain barrels and permeable pavement.

You can learn more about green infrastructure and how it can transform your community by joining us at two workshops. RSVP to our Blackburn Hamlet or Pinecrest-area events today!


Ottawa has begun experimenting with green infrastructure, but has a lot to learn from other cities that are implementing innovative green solutions at scale.

Let's get the ball rolling! Our two green infrastructure workshops will engage Ottawans on this exciting topic. We will be discussing findings from a new Ecology Ottawa report on the state of green infrastructure in Ottawa, including a look at best practices from other cities. We will also help participants identify the tangible steps they can take to implement green infrastructure solutions at the household and neighbourhood level.

Join us by RSVPing today. Our two workshops are being held in two communities at the forefront of the City of Ottawa's green infrastructure efforts, with one event in Blackburn Hamlet (July 24) and one event in the Pinecrest area (July 25). Both events start at 6:30 pm.

Don't forget to spread the word on Facebook:

Workshop #1 (July 24th)

Workshop #2 (July 25th)

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