Help us get out the environmental vote

This is it!

After months of knocking on thousands of doors, hosting debates and surveying candidates to raise the profile of local environmental issues, election day is where it all comes together. The Ottawa municipal election will take place on Monday, October 22, and we need your help to get out the environmental vote.

The new mayor and councillors elected on Monday can play a key role in making Ottawa a green capital – it’s up to us to vote with the environment in mind and ensure that the next council is the greenest ever. The next council has a lot of work to do, from taking strong action on climate change, to protecting vulnerable green spaces, to enhancing transportation options for pedestrians, cyclists and transit users. With help from many of you, we have raised these local environmental issues among Ottawa residents and candidates over the last five months.

Now, we need your help for the final push.

We need canvassers to visit voters and encourage them to vote. We need phone volunteers to call into target wards. And we need drivers to make our ground game happen on Sunday, October 21 (from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.) and Monday, October 22 (from 8:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.). Whether you have one hour or eight, we need as much help as you can offer.

To sign up, please email [email protected] and indicate which day(s) you can help out and in what capacity.

We'll also be celebrating and watching the election results roll in on Monday night, 7:30 PM at Fox and Feather.

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