End Fossil Fuel Promotion in City Facilities

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Update: On April 3, Council unanimously passed a motion brought by Councillor Shawn Menard (Capital Ward) that asked staff to review the City's Sponsorship and Advertising policy with regard to fossil fuel promotion in light of the City’s policies, values, and commitments, bring recommendations forward in Q3 of this year, and ask that any changes be considered by Transit Services. Thank you to all those who contacted their councillor, and to the almost 20 delegations who addressed Finance and Corporate Services at their March 5 meeting. (We were one of these!) While we wait for staff's recommendations in Q3, please consider signing our partner Horizon Ottawa's petition.


A group of fifteen organizations, including Ecology Ottawa, is calling on Mayor Mark Sutcliffe and Ottawa City Council to ban fossil fuel promotion in City facilities.

City’s Finance and Corporate Services Committee meets on March 5 to discuss the City’s Corporate Sponsorship and Advertising policy. Currently, fossil-fuel companies are allowed to advertise in City facilities like arenas, parks, and City publications. (For a former City councillor's experience with fossil-fuel advertising in a City arena, see here.)


Image: Example of an advertisement for fossil fuels at Brewer Arena (credit: @waters_eugenie)


Meanwhile, climate change is changing our world decisively through extreme weather and higher than normal temperatures—and fossil fuels are the main cause.

City Council declared a climate emergency in 2019 and committed to a full phase-out of fossil fuels by 2050 in its Energy Evolution strategy. It also recently signed the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty, which aims to accelerate a transition to renewable energy, end the expansion of oil, gas, and coal, and wind down existing production.

Permitting fossil-fuel promotion in City facilities contradicts the City’s commitments and its responsibilities for the well-being of Ottawans. The City already bans tobacco advertising because of its adverse health effects. We believe they should do the same with fossil-fuel promotion.

Please read our group's letter below—and please contact your councillor to express your support for a ban!

If you're unable to view the letter below, you may also download a PDF here.


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