Carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted into our atmosphere from human activities is the leading cause of climate change. Over the last 200 years, the concentration of CO2 in our atmosphere has increased and to a level which is now 1.4 times higher than at any time over the previous 200,000 years. If we don’t reduce our emissions very rapidly, the consequences for our planet will be catastrophic.

Welcome to Know CO2, a campaign by Ecology Ottawa which aims to raise awareness of the climate impact of our gas-powered vehicles.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted into our atmosphere from human activities is the leading cause of climate change. Over the last 200 years, the concentration of CO2 in our atmosphere has increased and to a level which is now 1.4 times higher than at any time over the previous 200,000 years. If we don’t reduce our emissions very rapidly, the consequences for our planet will be catastrophic.

Transportation is responsible for 44% of emissions within the City of Ottawa. This means tackling the climate crisis involves changing how we move around our city. We have found that most drivers are unaware that
the average car driven 20,000 kilometers per year emits over 3 tonnes of CO2 (4.5, in fact!).

The Know CO2 stickers, designed to be affixed to bumper stickers or other clearly visible surfaces, aim to make sure that all drivers are aware of the CO2 impact of their vehicles. Every time a following driver or pedestrian sees your sticker :

  • They are reminded of the large CO2 footprint of fossil-fuelled vehicles;
  • You show that you care, especially to politicians and people in the auto industry; and
  • You demonstrate your desire for good, CO2-free transportation
    alternatives, like walking, cycling, public transit and electric vehicles.

What can we do about it?

There are many ways you can take action in your daily life to reduce the carbon footprint related to transportation. The list below, although nowhere near comprehensive, is a good place to start. 

Switch to alternative modes of transportation

The easiest and most affordable step is to switch to other modes of transportation, including walking, cycling and public transit, when you need to get around.

The more we design sprawling car-centric communities, the more we make transit unaffordable and walking or cycling unsafe. Consider writing your representatives and let them know you care about the future of active transportation and that you want to see more investments in walking and cycling networks and accessible and affordable public transit. We also need compact, complete communities and neighbourhoods, where walking and biking for daily needs is safe and convenient.

Switch to an electric car

The majority of Canadians are concerned about climate change and would be happy to purchase a CO2-free vehicle provided it was economically
competitive and met their transport needs. However, while the number e-vehicles in Ottawa-Gatineau is growing, it remains a tiny fraction of the total vehicle population of over 0.5 million.

The main barriers to purchase are the high initial cost of electric cars and chargers compared with their gas powered equivalents, range anxiety and concern with access to charging facilities. The auto industry and governments are making large investments in transport electrification. New models are being launched, range is increasing, costs are coming down and the charging network is growing. Progress will come faster if drivers show they care and that they want action. Our stickers are one way of doing this. Voting for politicians with strong climate platforms at every level is another.

If you are looking for ways to reduce your impact on our environment and help fight climate change in your daily life, consider purchasing an electric car the next time you need to buy a new vehicle. For more information on options and incentives to go electric, click here.

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