May 24th, 2011 (Ottawa) – Ontario’s micro feed-in tariff program provides an unprecedented opportunity for everyone to become generators of clean electricity. Ecology Ottawa and the Tucker House Renewal Centre are hosting a workshop tonight for those who are interested in installing solar panels, either individually or with others in the community. This workshop provides an opportunity to learn about how you can install solar panels under the microFIT program.
Ecology Ottawa wants Ontario’s political leaders to come clean about their long-term energy strategy
May 16, 2011 (Ottawa) - Ecology Ottawa launched an unprecedented advertising campaign today to draw attention to the clean energy jobs that are being created in Ottawa and to call on Ontario’s leaders to come clean about their long-term energy plans for the province. Over the next week, roughly 100 radio ads will run on two Ottawa-area radio stations, and the campaign will be extended to other stations and local newspapers in the weeks and months to come. This is the first time that a local environmental organization has launched a radio and print advertising campaign to highlight the value of jobs associated with the growing clean energy sector in Ottawa.
March 8, 2011 (Ottawa) – Ecology Ottawa is mobilizing citizens citywide to attend the Special City Council meeting related to Budget 2011happening in Andrew S. Haydon Hall today in a show of support for the organization’s Clean Energy Petition.
As of today, 1,750 Ottawa citizens (representing every Ward in the city) had signed the Clean Energy Petition, which says: