Tree Giveaway Program Report 2019-2022

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We’re delighted to announce the publication of our Tree Report, a comprehensive overview of Ecology Ottawa’s tree program and its achievements over the past three years.

Originally inspired by the devastation wrought by the ash borer beetle beginning in 2008, the program has distributed over 60,000 native seedlings to Ottawans across the city, strengthening our invaluable tree canopy. Now, almost exactly a year after the derecho that felled tens of thousands of trees across the city, and only 50 days after a destructive ice storm, the need to strengthen our tree canopy is only more urgent.

This report details the collective efforts of Ottawa residents, volunteers, and community partners to deliver our tree program: the distribution of native seedlings, the conducting of an educational campaign, and the bringing together of our community to help make our city the green capital of Canada. We also present the results of a post-participation survey of our community partners and the wide-ranging benefits the program had both during and after giveaways.

Read the report:


As with so many of our programs, the tree campaign would not have been possible without the generous support of our dedicated volunteers. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all those who contributed their time, energy, and resources to make this program a resounding success. We also gratefully thank the Trillium Foundation for the Grow Grant that funded the program.

Summer Bioblitz

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We have some exciting news! We are launching our first Bioblitz of the summer from June 18th-20th

Ecology Ottawa’s Summer Bioblitz is a 3 day event that challenges you to get outside and document your nearby nature. We will be collectively trying to document as many observations as we can from birds, butterflies to plants, you name it! So, whether it be on a local hike or in your own backyard, get ready to get outside and document all kinds of living things you see!

Tree Giveaway - Volunteer Orientation

Are you passionate about restoring Ottawa’s urban tree canopy? Or are you looking to get meaningful and rewarding volunteer hours for school?

We are looking for passionate volunteers for boothing at our tree giveaways, and drivers to transport our baby trees safely to our community partners’ tree giveaway locations! Are you interested in getting volunteer hours, or simply helping out in your community? This may be the opportunity for you! 

Pollinator Garden Fundraiser

Have you seen the latest native plant restock on the Pollinator Garden Fundraiser website? We've got new species available, including false sunflowers, little bluestem grass, and great blue lobelias! Get some today while they're still in stock!

Your generous purchase will support biodiversity in our community and help to ensure the city commits to protecting the environment.

Looking for more ways to take action? Sign the petition to rewild Ottawa today!

Living City - Tree Giveaways Update

The Living City team can’t wait to get the 2021 Tree Giveaway season
started! As many of you know, we’ve unfortunately had to postpone all
giveaways and volunteer activities until after the provincial lockdown.
Please see our events calendar where you’ll find the dates and location of
our tree giveaways starting in June here!
In 2019, we distributed 12,000 local native trees to Ottawa area residents.
This year, we need your help to distribute 15,000 trees and plant Ottawa’s
future tree canopy!
Please visit this webpage to learn more and find out how you can get involved!

2021 Tree Giveaways

The Living City Team is resuming the Tree Giveaway Campaign this year and we're ready to distribute more tree seedlings than ever: 15,000!

This initiative began because Ottawa’s urban tree canopy is under threat. Since 2008, the emerald ash borer has killed 25% of Ottawa’s trees. In addition to this, climate change, invasive pests, expanding urbanization and infill construction are also major threats to trees. We need to re-plant and keep planting to stay on top of the threats!

Lopoukhine: Gatineau Park deserves legislation to properly protect it

The National Capital Commission (NCC) recently released its 2020 draft of the Gatineau Park Master Plan. Buried towards the end of the draft plan is a presentation of the advantages and the need for modernizing the park’s legal framework.

This may surprise readers who think Gatineau Park is a “real park” under a federal act. Sadly, Gatineau Park’s boundaries are currently not legislated, and as such lands can be sold, traded without parliamentary approval and houses are still being constructed on the remaining private land within the park. As the draft plan points out, legislation would firm up the park’s conservation mission and its protection, modernize pricing of activities, establish regulations and assign powers of protection.

Earth Day Trivia Night 2020

We are thrilled to be launching our first ever online trivia night this coming Earth Day and you’re invited!

Come join us online to celebrate Earth Day’s 50th anniversary with some fun-filled trivia on Ottawa’s native plant species.

Did you know?! The first Earth Day took place on April 22nd, 1970 and is credited with the emergence of environmentalism as a mass movement. Over the years, collective action taken on Earth Day has resulted in some significant political achievements around the world. But our work is not done!

Need a green break? We’ve got a webinar for that!

How are you doing? These are strange and difficult times, and as much as we all know that physical distancing is what’s needed to combat this global pandemic, it doesn’t make the process easier. Here at Ecology Ottawa, we’ve been thinking about how we can continue to engage Ottawans and give you the tools to green-up your communities.

2020 Tree Giveaways

Please note that we have had to put the Tree Distribution Program on pause this year due to COVID-19.

Unfortunately, we have no free trees to distribute at this time. That being said, we were able to launch our very first Tree Fundraiser where we are selling tree saplings at an extremely reduced price! You can check out the Tree Fundraiser HERE.

The good news: Ecology Ottawa will be back at it in 2021 and 2022 distributing 15,000 native tree seedlings free of charge to Ottawa area residents in an effort to re-plant our urban tree canopy.

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Council Watch
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